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Your search for "zoom" yielded 3597 hits

Kontakt/PSP's administration

Studierektor Jonas Bjärehed 046-222 45 81 Jonas [dot] Bjarehed [at] psy [dot] lu [dot] se (Jonas[dot]Bjarehed[at]psy[dot]lu[dot]se) Studievägledare psykologprogrammet Kristian Almquist 046-222 91 22 Kristian [dot] Almquist [at] psy [dot] lu [dot] se Studievägledare kompletterande utbildningen Elin Holgersson 046-222 91 15 Elin [dot] Holgersson [at] psy [dot] lu [dot] se Expedition Anita Lennersted - 2024-12-27

LU Land frukostseminarium #30: Värdering av biologisk mångfald – hur bra fungerar befintliga verktyg för att täcka samhällets behov?

8 maj 2024 08:30 till 09:30 | Seminarium När samhällsutvecklingen medför förändrad markanvändning, behöver beslutsfattare väga olika värden och intressen mot varandra. En utmaning som uppstår vid sådana beslut är att vissa värden inte alltid är så lätta att kvantifiera, vilket riskerar att leda till att svårkvantifierade värden såsom biologisk mångfald, prioriteras lägre. Verktyg som stödjer kvant - 2024-12-28

Winning the in-store battle: Shopper marketing cases from the shop floor

12 juni 2024 10:00 till 11:00 | Seminarium Bild: Eduardo Soares, unsplash På detta 60 minuter långa (engelska) webbinarium kommer vi att diskutera de viktigaste resultaten av en ny rapport som utforskar hur FMCG-varumärken kan använda shopper-marketing för att vinna striden i livsmedelsbutiker. I rapporten Winning the in-store battle diskuteras tre studier inom livsmedelsindustrin från två bransch - 2024-12-28

Release of EDI Guidelines

11 juni 2024 17:00 till 17:45 | Föreläsning What if instead of asking ourselves: "How can we work with EDI in teaching?" we asked: "How are teachers and students already working with EDI?" Over the past three years, a team consisting of researchers, teachers, teacher students, and pupils has been investigating and experimenting with different teaching models and approaches to EDI in instrumental a - 2024-12-28

LU Land föreläsning om funktionella landskap: Evolutionära aspekter i bevarandearbetet, varför vi behöver ta hänsyn till dem och hur vi kan göra det

29 May 2024 08:30 to 09:30 | Lecture/talk Många naturvårdsåtgärder planeras utifrån och följs upp med ett fokus på artantal eller populationsstorlek. Men det finns en hel del exempel på bevarandeprojekt som tydliggör betydelsen av att även ta hänsyn till genetiska och evolutionära aspekter. Vikten av att bevara en genetisk mångfald lyfts också mer och mer i policysammanhang, inte minst i det globa - 2024-12-27

Atomic Force Microscopy

We use atomic force microscopy (AFM) nano-indentation method to measure DNA mobility in the capsid. The mobility of DNA packaged inside the HSV-1 capsid is measured by recording the force resisting the capsid indentation when the AFM tip is brought into contact with the DNA-filled capsid in solution. Force resisting the AFM tip indentation of the capsid is recorded as the force-distance curve. Cap - 2024-12-27

AI Lund lunch seminar: Point-of-care ultrasound and deep learning for breast cancer diagnostics in low-resource settings

11 September 2024 12:00 to 13:15 | Seminar Topic: Point-of-care ultrasound and deep learning for breast cancer diagnostics in low-resource settingsWhen: 11 September at 12.00-13.15Where: Online - link by registrationSpeakers: Ida Arvidsson, Computer Vision and Machine Learning, Mathematical Sciences, Lund UniversityJennie Karlsson, Computer Vision and Machine Learning, Mathematical Sciences, Lund - 2024-12-27

Take 3! Workshop on Streamed Classical Concerts

4 June 2024 10:00 to 15:00 | Other What can a concert experience become in the streaming era? How do we interact with virtual concerts, and in what space do we meet each other? Event Overview Join us for a very first try-out test within the Kalaudioscope/LUDICH (Lund University Digital Interactive Concert Hall) project, a collaborative effort between Lund University, Malmö Live Concert Hall/MSO, A - 2024-12-27

Welcome to the Social Anthropology: Ethnographic Fieldwork

Course code: SANN15 Course period: 1 November 2024 - 19 January 2025 Mandatory introductory meetingSince this course is based on fieldwork and thus off-campus, there is no introductory meeting.Instead, contact Tova Höjdestrand (tova [dot] hojdestrand [at] soc [dot] lu [dot] se) for information about the start of the course. There will also be information available on Canvas further on.Web registra - 2024-12-27

Welcome to the Social Anthropology: Master's Thesis courses 15-30 credits

Course Codes: SANM15, 15 credits SANM05, 30 credits SANM06, 15 credits Semester Period: 2 September 2024 - 19 January 2025 Mandatory introductory meetingAs the thesis courses do not have regularly scheduled meetings, you need to check the Canvas-page for the courses in orderto find information about the start of the semester. This should be available in the beginning of August, Web registration pe - 2024-12-27

AI Lund lunch seminar: GPT in examination - experiment and lessons

29 January 2025 12:00 to 13:00 | Webinar Attend the AI Lund lunch seminar on January 29, to learn about the role of GPT-4 in examinations. PhD students Julia Adlecreutz and Felix Agner will share their experiment results and discuss the implications for future control engineering education. Register now to join the online event. Topic: GPT in examination - experiment and lessonsWhen: 29 January at - 2024-12-27

Automating Welfare: On timing, belatedness, and perpetual emergence

Recording from AI Lund Lunch seminar 14 December 2022 Topic: Automating Welfare: On timing, belatedness, and perpetual emergence Speaker: Anne Kaun, Professor of Media and Communication Studies, Södertörn University Moderator: Anamaria Dutceac Segesten, Senior Lecturer, European Studies and Strategic Communication When: 14 December at 12.00-13.15 Where: Online Spoken language: English Abstract Aut - 2024-12-27

Economics Works

Here you will find information specific for the Department of Economics. For more general information please visit the LUSEM Staff pages: LUSEM Staff pages  Department board and leadership The board of the Department of Economics is responsible for outlining the guiding principles of the department, for seeing to that these guidelines are followed and for deciding on any other questions delegated - 2024-12-27

Rethinking global challenges through feminist media and communication approaches

This research seminar series is organized by the Department of Communication* (IKO), Lund University, in cooperation with researchers from the Department of Media, Communications and Cultural Studies at Goldsmiths, University of London. In the context of rapidly escalating global challenges, there is the need to expose and rethink normative and masculine understandings of key contemporary issues s - 2024-12-27

Digitalt medlemsmöte

Digitalt medlemsmöte | Saco-S vid SLU Hoppa till huvudinnehåll Öppna sökruta Öppna Huvudmeny Sök på Om oss Saco-S SLU styrelse Stadgar Årsmöte Medlemsantal Verksamhet Vårt uppdrag Styrelsens verksamhet Styrelsemöten Internt Arbetsmiljö Ordförandeblogg Nyhetsbrev Enkäter Webbinarier Tidigare webbinarier Lagar & avtal Lagar och förordningar Centrala och lokala avtal Arbetstid forskare/lärare - 2024-12-17